3 New Articles - April 19, 2010


1. Earth Changes
2. Violence in Public Schools
3. Walking Cuts Womens' Risk of Stroke


1. Earth Changes

I am wondering about the incredible earth changes happening
right now. These news events are everywhere!

There is incredible volcanic action in Iceland. Yesterday's news
says that Europe is receiving so much smoke in their area from
the Iceland volcano, they have closed flights from and to England.

China just had two huge earthquakes not far from Tibet. These
were proceeded by 2 large earth quakes in Indonesia, several
in Chili, and of course those in Haiti, etc. in the Caribbean.

Is there something we need to know about these events coming in
such sequence? This feels very uncomfortable to me!

Dear Ones, do not be in fear of these events of the earth.

There is in these times a need to be careful about where you are
physically, but to feel Mother Earth is suddenly going to
blow apart from these pressures, is not a truth.

Be ones to know that Mother Earth is one that is quite stable.
However, in these times of change, she like you, is in the
midst of changing to a place that is quiet and more peaceful.

The events you observe are those that are frequently devastating
to man and Mother Earth. But in this clearing from below the
surface, stability will result. Be ones in prayer for the movements
you see, for both those who live on the surface where these
changes are occurring, and those who are performing rescue services.

You are ones to know that the "safety issues" for such events
are a necessity for all to know. Events of change will continue
for some time. Most likely, for the next two years these
events will be manifesting. But when they are finished,
Mother Earth and you will feel much more comfortable.

Go in Peace and Love


2. Violence in Public Schools

I am a Mother who home schools my children. I am in a large city.
I hear a lot of news, both on the traditional news reports as
well as in our neighborhood, about violence in the public schools.

My children will soon be of an age where I have to make a decision
what to do about their education. They will be in High School.
What can my husband and I do to continue their education and
not subject them to the violence and inferior educational

We have two children of about the same age. Therefore, we can
not afford to send them to private schools.

Dear One, there is such all over your country, not just in your
particular area.

It is a goodness to know that most upper level, public schools,
are in such trauma that very little teaching gets done. The
"Old reading, writing and arithmetic" for a good education, is
seldom taught at the levels commensurate with one's grade.

Children who graduate from public schools are often having
to take remedial classes in college. They simply can not keep
up with college educational requirements.

These are the facts today, that parents have to be aware of,
to properly educate their children.

From a violence perspective, if there is violence or bullying
in your schools, go to the police and file a formal complaint.
THESE ISSUES ARE A CRIME, and are not properly the
responsibility of the school officials. Those who run your
schools are charged with the responsibility of education.
They are not police officers! School officials often take it
upon themselves to try to mitigate violence on the campus,
however, they are not trained to hand criminal actions.

Also, if your child is on a campus where there is violence, get
them off this campus right away! There are many alternatives
in which to place them of a better nature. Do not subject your
children, even one second more, if they tell you they are
encountering violent actions or harassment from other
students or teachers. Protect them, get them away from
the violence immediately and inform the police.

Many parents are afraid to say anything for the concern
that their children will be harmed on campus. DO NOT

Report the incidence and get your children away from
the abuse! There is always an alternative to violence!


3. Walking Cuts Womens' Risk of Stroke

(See News Article Link Below)

I read that walking will cut the risk we women have
of having a stroke.

Is this the truth? Will a little walking really take away
a large part of the worry of my having a stroke in the future?

To walk is a goodness for everyone. There is no need to
be ones to walk for hours. One half hour per day can do
wonders for your health. Circulation, as well as general
energy support are two of the greatest advantages of
this practice.

Most of those who have energy and circulation problems
do not walk enough.

Taking a look at your ancient heritage, you will find that
most of these ancestorswere hunters and gatherers. This
being so, the body is made to walk! Thepatterns in your
DNA still have this message!

Walking, once begun, will be missed greatly, if this practice
is discontinued. Try it out! Walk every day for 30 minutes,
then cease this practice for a week. You will be amazed at
how you will feel when you stop the daily walking. Do not do
something unloving, particularly in your beginning practice
of this routine, such as, walk too fast or tax your system
where breathing well is compromised. You will find that
to cease this practice of walking daily for 1/2 hour
will make your body feel bland and less energetic.

Happy Walking!

Rene Avery - Journalist
Truth Behind The News, published on:
http://www.TruthBehindTheNews.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com

2 New Articles - March 30, 2010


1. Interest Rates
2. Iranian Nuclear Effort

1. Interest Rates - Fed Raises Interest Rate on Emergency Loans to Banks

The Federal Reserve recently announced that it will be raising the interest rates on emergency funds for banks from 0.5 percent to 0.75 percent. The Washington Post claims that this higher rate "probably won't mean higher borrowing costs for ordinary households and businesses." Is the Washington Post being truthful about the effect of this interest rate increase?

(See the news article exerpt below)


There lies in this issue of raising Bank's rates to borrow in an emergency, something to be aware of in these times. The Federal Reserve may issue their rules, but it is the banking industry that will determine what shall be done in the end of it.

If the banks need capital, they are ones to set the standards of what is really possible for banks to remain stable. In the past months, it has been obvious that the banks are setting the policies. If banks go into receivership, no one, including the Federal Reserve will do well. The Federal Government is afraid that if it does not support the banks, there will be economic reversals that will not bid well for the country as a whole. Therefore, the banks are leading the way as to what will be done regarding all policies that affect them.

Take a look at the "bailouts." You will see just who is in control. If the Banks can not make it in the economy, the Federal Government will not make it either. The Federal Reserve is one to set the standards, but not before they check with all concerned in both banking and government.
The Federal Reserve will not, as it has in the past, make policies that run counter to the needs of the banking industry. The Federal Reserve is treading lightly in these times.

Go in Peace and Love.

News Article:

The Washington Post published this story on February 19, 2010.

The Federal Reserve on Thursday took another step toward winding down its expansive efforts to prop up the financial system, raising the interest rate that banks must pay to take out emergency loans. Banks that need emergency funds through the Fed's "discount window" will now have to pay 0.75 percent, not the 0.5 percent they have been paying. But that higher rate probably won't mean higher borrowing costs for ordinary households and businesses, and the move does not represent an effort by the Fed to drain the money supply. That would be done by raising the federal funds rate, traditionally the Fed's main tool for managing the economy, above its current level near zero, or by raising the rate it pays on bank reserves, now 0.25 percent. But Thursday's step was part of an effort to withdraw the Fed's extraordinary support for the financial system, even as it leaves in place ultra-low interest rates to support the economy more broadly. In 2007 and 2008, the central bank took a string of unconventional steps to try to keep money flowing as banks were suffering a cash crunch and unwilling to lend money to one another.

2. Iranian Nuclear Effort - Inspectors Say Iran Worked on Warhead

The New York Times reported on February 19, 2010 that U.N. inspectors have extensive evidence of 'past or current undisclosed activities' by Iran's military to develop a nuclear warhead." This type of news story is the typical way that the "powers that be" use to prepare the public for another war. How likely is it that the world will see a war break out with Iran in the next 1 to 2 years?

(See the news article excerpt below)

Dear Ones, such as this is simply not the truth!

There have been many opportunities for this country to go into the production of such as these things for war. However, they are ones to know that they would not have a chance to do anything that would truly put them in a better place regarding their world wide events such as this one.

To be ones, in a smaller country to entertain the use of such, and exist afterward as a country, is certainly not expected from them. Iran is one to posture, but they are not well enough positioned politically to follow through and gain anything in the long run for their efforts.

Understand that the USA, and Israel are very well aligned. And should the USA be attacked, Israel with its arsenal will follow through very quickly and attack Iran. They would not allow such as this to go unanswered. Israel knows that if the USA is attacked in any way, they would suffer as well. Therefore, any instance that should show a true threat to attack, Israel would attack first.

Go in Peace and Love.

The New York Times published this story on February 19, 2010.

WASHINGTON - The United Nations' nuclear inspectors declared for the first time on Thursday that they had extensive evidence of "past or current undisclosed activities" by Iran's military to develop a nuclear warhead, an unusually strongly worded conclusion that seems certain to accelerate Iran's confrontation with the United States and other Western countries. The report, the first under the new director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, also concluded that Iran's weapons-related activity apparently continued "beyond 2004," contradicting an American intelligence assessment published a little over two years ago that concluded that work on a bomb was suspended at the end of 2003. The report confirms that Iran has enriched small quantities of uranium to 20 percent, but makes no assessment of how close it might be to producing a nuclear weapon, which Tehran denies it is seeking to do.
Mark Hanna - Editor, Researcher

Rene Avery - Journalist

Truth Behind The News, published on:
http://www.TruthBehindTheNews.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: