3 Articles - August 31, 2009

Article #1 Heart Attacks and Treatment
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Article #2 Jimmy Carter
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Article #3 In the Future, Robots to Replace Man?
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1. Heart Attacks and Treatment

A Case of Getting What You Pay ForWith Heart Attack Treatments, as Quality Rises, So Does Cost

The cost of treating U.S. heart attacks this year will cost about $93billion. What can people do to prevent hearts attacks from happening in thefirst place?

(See the Washington Post article news article published July 26, 2009 link below)

There lies in all heart attacks a need to see the causes of these in"life style."

In these days of stress, poor food and health practices, the heart wears out early.

In the treatment of the heart after attacks, traditional medicine understands much more than in the past. The attempt to assist in this condition has been monumental. But nothing can assist this condition as much as prevention by "life style choices."

When stress is a way of life, to be aware that every day that one is in high stress is taking away life choices, and a contributing to a failing heart. To make choices that reduce stress will keep the heart strong. Adrenaline, pumping into one's heart at rapid and continuous rates stops the heart from pumping naturally and goads it to be in hyper movement.

For this reason, to be ones to know that a stress situation will enhance the possibility of heart attacks. Prevention through one insisting that stress levels be lowered is a goodness.

Foods that are not rich in vitamins and minerals affect the heart. The heart needs to be strong. It is the most active organ in the body. And it's continuous beating is a miracle! This miracle can not continue without the proper rest, relaxation and nutrition.

So, the best treatment for heart attacks is prevention! Nothing in the known medical centers, can do as well as a program of health...nutrition, alleviation of stress, sensible exercise and Love!

Go in Peace and Love

News Article:
Two decades ago, a famous clinical experiment showed that if a patient in the throes of a heart attack chewed and swallowed an aspirin tablet, the risk of dying fell from 13.2 percent to 10.2 percent. If progress since then had come so cheap and easy -- a 23 percent improvement for an investment of three cents -- health care in the United States wouldn't be in the state it is. But that's not how things happened. Instead, the fight against heart disease has been slow and incremental. It's also been extremely expensive and wildly successful. In the 1960s, the chance of dying in the days immediately after a heart attack was 30 to 40 percent. In 1975, it was 27 percent. In 1984, it was 19 percent. In 1994, it was about 10 percent. Today, it's about 6 percent. Over the same period, the charges for treating a heart attack marched steadily upward, from about $5,700 in 1977 to $54,400 in 2007 (without adjusting for inflation).

The treatment of coronary heart disease -- of which heart attack, or acute myocardial infarction, is the most significant component -- this year will cost about $93 billion. It's a huge contributor to the $2.3 trillion annual bill for medical care in the United States. Cardiovascular disease isr esponsible for 35 percent of deaths in America and has been the leading cause of death every year since 1900, except 1918, the year of the Spanish flu epidemic. The evolution of heart attack treatment over the past three decades is a story of doing more things to more people at greater expense with better results. It is a portrait in miniature of medicine in the United States.

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2. Jimmy Carter

JIMMY CARTER, "Stop abusing Women in the Name of God"!

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter recently commented on the role ofreligious texts and doctrines in the global mistreatment of women. Why aremany traditional religions so abusive towards women?

(See the Examiner.com article on July 24, 2009 link below)

There lies in the Biblical Texts words that would assume woman are of a lesser nature than men. From the very beginning these texts show that women are a lesser human being.

This is caused by the fact that the prejudices of the men who interpreted these texts show in the translations. And male intention that he be in charge shows throughout the texts.

This is not of the Biblical accounts only, but in many religious texts the same reasons exist for this prejudice.

Males, historically, have been the ones to be educated, not the females of the cultures. Therefore, when texts were translated into a more common language, it was the males of the populations who did the translating. Their "male understandings", or prejudice, show this in the interpretations.

Women, in early times of most religious beliefs, were very much a part of the religions. They were leaders, as well as men to bring forth the religions belief systems. These were elders, mothers, and bearers of the cultural truths within the populations.

It is when a religious practice gains power that the males of this religion stepped forth to claim this power. Women then became religated to a lesser place.

When religious beliefs become the common experience of a population, women become ones to suffer the "setting aside" of their importance. The males take full power of these religions and displace the female influences.

Women are allowed to remain in power as long as the religion is not oneto give power of a greater nature. When this is so, the women become ones to be stood aside, by the males, and suffer their fate as objects to be controlled and kept out of the power base.

Go in Peace and Love

News Article:
Last week, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter released a widely disseminated statement concerning the global mistreatment of women based on religious texts and doctrines. Mr. Carter was so disturbed by the sexism within his own church that he left it after 60 years. In his commentary, Carter quoted the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and the Bible (Gal 3:28) to demonstrate his own integrity as concerns race, religion and gender. He then remarked:
This view that women are somehow inferior to men is not restricted to one religion or belief. It is widespread. Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many faiths. The male interpretation of religious texts and the way they interact with, and reinforce, traditional practices justify some of the most pervasive, persistent, flagrant and damaging examples of human rights abuses."

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3. In the Future, Robots to Replace Man?

Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man

Will there be a time when robots can outsmart human beings?

(See the New York Times Article published on July 26, 2009 link below)

Dear Ones, there is very little chance of this happening. For to continue a robot population, one has to have invention. And invention is a product of human ingenuity.

There lies within robots the need of continuation and innovation. Without this, they do not exist.

Robots are an invention of the mind of humans who can innovate and create. Without man robots wear out and do not exceed beyond the present moment. Unlike man, who has been in the earth plane for a very long time, and in the Universe for even longer, robots are an invention of the "machine world" of today.

Robots can not invent themselves! They can not innovate themselves! They can not sustain themselves!

So, the answer is that "to take over man is not consistent of the reality of who a robot is. It is a limited invention of the human mind and innovation. It does not have anything to allow "self invention."

Go in Peace and Love

News Article:
A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself. Computer viruses that no one can stop. Predator drones, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously. Impressed and alarmed by advances in artificial intelligence, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society's workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone. Their concern is that further advances could create profound social disruptions and even have dangerous consequences. As examples, the scientists pointed to a number of technologies as diverse as experimental medical systems that interact with patients to simulate empathy and computer worms and viruses that defy extermination and could thus be said to have reached a "cockroach" stage of machine intelligence. While the computer scientists agreed that we are a long way from Hal, the computer that took over the spaceship in "2001: A Space Odyssey," they said there was legitimate concern that technological progress would transform the work force by destroying a widening range of jobs, as well as force humans to learn to live with machines that increasingly copy human behaviors.

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Mark Hanna - Editor, Researcher
Rene Avery - Journalist
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