3 Articles - December 4, 2009





1. Moon Crash: Public Yawns, Scientists Celebrate

On October 9th, NASA crashed two space vehicles into a crater in the south pole of the moon in hopes of finding water. NASA loudly advertised in dvance of the crash that a six mile high dust plume would be kicked up by the crashes, but no plume was seen. What happened?

The New York Times published this AP story on October 9, 2009 (see article excerpt below answer)

Children, to be of that to "crash into the moon," is to be one uninformed about it and it's substructure.

The moon is not one to have a place where dust will be very thick. And if one crashes into a place where the substructure is of rock, a very short distance from the surface, there is very little dust to be seen.

Those who planned this "crashing of the moon," have very little information about the moon's own reality. Therefore, where they crashed, has a substructure that is very hard rock and very little top soil. This whole area is this way.

Go in Peace and Love.


Washington (AP) -- NASA's great lunar fireworks finale fizzled. After gearing up for the space agency's much-hyped mission to hurl two spacecraft into the moon, the public turned away from the sky Friday anything but dazzled. Photos and video of the impact showed little more than a fuzzy white flash. In social media and live television coverage, many people were disappointed at the lack of spectacle. One person even joked that someone hit the pause button in mission control. Yet scientists involved in the project were downright gleeful. Sure, there were no immediate pictures of spewing plumes of lunar dust that could contain water, but, they say, there was something more important: chemical signatures in light waves. That's the real bonanza, not pictures of geyser-like eruptions of debris, the scientists said. The mission was executed for "a scientific purpose, not to put on a fireworks display for the public," said space consultant Alan Stern, a former NASA associate administrator for science. Scientists said the public expected too much. The public groused as if NASA delivered too little.


2. Could America Go Broke?

Is it likely that the U.S. will default on its debt in the next few years?

The Washington Post published this Robert Samuelson Op-Ed article on November 2, 2009. (see article excerpt below answer)

Dear Ones, the debt of your country is one to be a nemesis for a very long time.

There lies within your country a need to pay attention. Instead, those in charge of your country's budget have no idea how to run their own household budget, much less, the country's budget.

Most of those in charge of the country's spending programs are ones to seek to spend, spend, spend for their own way of being popular. When these encounter something that would seem to be "too much to afford," they simple sell bonds to international investors who believe the USA can pay its debts. This has been occurring for so long that those who demand money for their pet programs, do not see that it is impossible to continue in this way.

It is well known by the people of the USA that they must watch their personal budgets or they lose their credit ratings. The USA is no different on a world conscousness. But, those who control the budets of the USA believe themselves to be above having to have an "International credit rating." This truth is now coming into reality to bear some interesting results.

First of all, the bonds that are for sale to float the national debt are no longer the preferred bonds to buy on the international markets.

Secondly, those who write the bonds to be sold see that a higher and higher percentage rate of interest is being demanded. Those who remain interested in USA bonds, and will purchase these bonds (or loans to the USA) are requiring higher and higher interest rates for the added rish they believe they are taking.

The end result is that the USA has to print more money in order to pay its debts. This means higher prices on the street for consumers. This means virtually, YOU the citizens, are having that national dbt handed over to you to pay!

Will the national debt ever be paid...the answer is "NO!" It can not be! The reason is that the debt goes higher and higher and the coutnry as a whole is in need of capital, there are not enough people in the whole USA who can work and consume enough to make a difference.

Without consumption from the nation's workers under the inflated prices, there will not be enough taxes to make up the deficit in the national debt. When salaries go up because of inflation, taxes go up! But, this will not be enough, ever, to make the payments on these debts!

Go in Peace and Love.

The idea that the government of a major advanced country would default on its debt -- that is, tell lenders that it won't repay them all they're owed -- was, until recently, a preposterous proposition. Argentina and Russia have stiffed their creditors, but surely the likes of the United States, Japan or Britain wouldn't. Well, it's still a very, very long shot, but it's no longer entirely unimaginable. Governments of rich countries are borrowing so much that it's conceivable that one day the twin assumptions underlying their burgeoning debt (that lenders will continue to lend and that governments will continue to pay) might collapse. What happens then?

The question is so unfamiliar that the past provides few clues to the future. Psychology is crucial. To take a parallel example: the dollar. The fear is that foreigners (and Americans, too) will lose confidence in its value and dump it for yen, euros, gold or oil. If too many investors do that, a self-fulfilling stampede could trigger sell-offs in U.S. stocks and bonds. People have predicted such a crisis for decades, It hasn't happened yet. The currency's decline has been orderly, because the dollar retains a bedrock confidence based on America's political stability, openness, wealth and low inflation. But something could shatter that confidence -- tomorrow or 10 years from tomorrow.


3. Asperger's Syndrome and Mild Autism

What are the spiritual gifts of people with autism?

The New York Times published this story on November 3, 2009. (see article excerpt below answer)

Children, asperger's syndrome is that which is caused from inadequate processing of events or a past life experience.

When one is born into earth plane, if the time to process events of the past life are not adequate, or rushed, there is confusion about which life is precedent in a child (or adult's) thinking.

Asperger's children often, still have the memories of, and the wisdom of, the gifts of their past lives. They need no coaching or learning. These skills are still fully adept!

Those who are trying to assist from the psychological realm, are ones to be frustrated, in that, their skills have very little success in understanding or assisting this condition. Therefore, when they can not be successful in this pursuit, they destroy the mechanism that makes them look foolish! They simply deny aspergers syndrom exists. Simply put, the psychological community does not have, in their concepts, a place to include past life explanantions.

Asperger's syndrome is not one that will cause harm in the child if he is taught properly. This means that, children with this characteristic must be cautioned not to be afriad of what they know or how they appear different. They can be a Blessing to those who appreciate the wisdom that is often availble through them. When teaching these children, one needs to be aware that on some levels they are adults, and on other levels they are processing input as do any other children.

To be confused abou this asperger's situation, as a teacher or parent, causes the child to get confused. For, he does not know why he can do advanced math problems while at the same time he is having problems at being able to remember his ABC's. To expect these children to be consistent in their geniuses, is just not appropriate! This situation depends totally on "that part of the soul memory that still remembers its past!"

Go in Peace and Love.

A Powerful Identity, a Vanishing Diagnosis

It is one of the most intriguing labels in psychiatry. Children with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, are socially awkward and often physically clumsy, but many are verbal prodigies, speaking in complex sentences at early ages, reading newspapers fluently by age 5 or 6 and acquiring expertise in some preferred topic - stegosaurs, clipper ships, Interstate highways - that will astonish adults and bore their playmates to tears. In recent years, this once obscure diagnosis, given to more than four times as many boys as girls, has become increasingly common. Much of the growing prevalence of autism, which now affects about 1 percent of American Children, according to federal data, can be attributed to Asperger's and other mild forms of the disorder. And Asperger's has exploded into popular culture through books and films depicting it as the relm of brilliant nerds and savantlike geniuses. But no sooner has Asperger consciousness awakened than the disorder seems headed for psychiatric obsolescence. Though it became an official part of the medical lexicon only in 1994, the experts who are revising psychiatry's diagnostic manual have proposed to eliminate it from the new edition, due out in 2012.

Mark Hanna - Editor Researcher
Rene Avery - Journalist
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