1 Article February 5, 2010


Hacked E-mails Prompt Calls For Changes in Climate Research

Thousands of intercepted e-mails of high level climate scientists reveal that they have been stifling dissenting views and withholding data from the public. What is the truth about climate research?

The New York Times published this story on November 28, 2009. See the news article Excerpt below for more detail.

Dear Ones, there is a disparity in the ways that this research is done. And in this is the way these climate research projects get distorted.

Children, first of all, to pollute "Mother Earth's Surface" in any way is not a goodness.

There are those, for profit and power, that are in charge of these research projects and their reports. The voices that bid to understand climate change and related subjects to this research want reports that will help them control Mother Earth's assets.

When one looks at Mother Earth as an asset to one's own coffers there is a shift from purity of thought and Love for Mother Earth, to "I own!" In this attitude, there is a great opportunity to distort research toward those who put up the assets to do the research. This is the case in these days.

Weather research is reflective of "who has the assets to make the research happen." Therefore, the truth of these research projects is slanted by those who have the money to post for the project. This is without exception!

The truth is: Mother Earth is one to need your protection, that in the future there will still be the present status of her natural assets. These assets belong to her and to those people upon the earth plane with whom she shares. The "rights" to her bounty do not belong to one group of people for their exploitation.

The truth is: That, the current way of seeing Mother Earth, is slanted toward destruction because there is a lot of money in this attitude of "I have a right to own and exploit the assets I can control!"

The truth is: That Mother Earth always deserves your attention for she and her bounties belong to you, the people of earth plane to enjoy, respect and Love. The destruction of her ecosystems is a sadness not to be borne.

In the future of mankind, Mother Earth will continue to support those who Love her. Those who do not see this truth will not be allowed to exist in earth plane! The Karmic Effect of the unlovingness to Mother Earth and her bounties will simply not be allowed by the natural law of the Universe!

Children, be ones to know that a lot of the changes in the weather patterns currently being experienced are not the result of pollution. But that Mother Earth has shifted in her pole positions and the jet streams have not settled into the new patterns.

Yes, there is climate change. It is due to this factor of "shift" and weather will continue to change for the next five years until it settles into this new pattern. This affects the whole surface of Mother Earth! This fact is to be celebrated, for "She Lives and Breathes" in her movement!
Go in Peace and Love

News Article Excerpt:

Hacked E-Mail Data Prompts Calls for Changes in Climate Research

Some prominent climate scientists are calling for changes in the way research on global warming is conducted after a British university said thousands of private e-mail messages and documents had been stolen from its climate center. The scientists say that the e-mail messages, which have circulated on the Internet and which disclose the inner workings of a small network of climatologists who chart the plant's temperature, have damaged the public's trust in the evidence that humans are dangerously warming the planet, just as many countries are poised to start reining in greenhouse gas emissions. "This whole concept of 'We're the experts, trust us,' has clearly gone by the wayside with these e-mails," said Judith Curry, a climate scientist at Georgia Institute of Technology, A fierce debate over the significance of the hacked material erupted as soon as the e-mail messages and other documents surfaced on Web sites just over a week ago.

Some see in the e-mail correspondence - which includes heated discussions about warming trends, advice on deleting potentially controversial e-mail messages and derisive comments about climate skeptics - evidence of a conspiracy to stifle dissenting views and withhold data from public scrutiny, or, as some have put it, "Climate gate." To others, the e-mail messages are merely evidence that climate scientists can be as competitive, proprietary, defensive and caustic as people engaged in any other high-level enterprise. They cast as villains those who disclosed the e-mail correspondence and who now, they say, are distorting the contents.


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