2 New Articles - Feburary 10, 2010



1. Justice Defends Ruling on Finance

The Supreme Court recently ruled that corporations have a First Amendment right to spend money to support or oppose candidates. Because corporations have more money than ordinary citizens, some are saying that this ruling will give corporations disporportionately more power in the political process. How does Higher Guidance see this ruling?

The New York Times published this story on February 4, 2010. See the news article excerpt below.

Dear Ones, there lies in this ruling of the Supreme Court, an opening for this country to be ruled by those who would accept nothing short of complete rule of the country.

In this ruling, does it not say that there are those who will profit largely by controlling with their bank rolls. This will be the ending of democracy as you know it to be. Candidates will be chosen not by their service to humanity, but by their needs to prosper. Candidates will accept that this situation is the way of their votes to bring them much in worldy goods, and vote the way of this truth to be unto them very lucrative. To vote and to be ones to stay to party lines will be the first order of the day for all who run for office. For, without this they will not be in power to vote.

Dear Ones, you are in charge of this situation at this time. At this point in time, you have the power to influence those who make the laws. There is a need in this country to see what is really happening behind the scenes. You can do something to stop this travesty. The donors must be American born citizens with birth certificates. And, that those who run for office are ones to have the service of themselves, in office, as their first consideration. Not that they run for office because they are ones elected by an outside influence for personal power.

Children, to allow this situation to continue without action on your part and your elected officials will be the last time that you vote and have it count!

Remember, the Constitution of the United States is that which names YOU as the Sovereigns of the country. It does not name corporations that run businesses in this role!

Go in Peace and Love

WASHINGTON - In expansive remarks at a law school in Florida, Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday vigorously defended the Supreme Court's recent campaign finance decision. And Justice Thomas explained that he did not attend State of the Union Addresses - he missed the dust-up when President Obama used the occasion last week to criticize the court's decision - because the gatherings had turned so partisan. Justice Thomas responded to several questions from students at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Fla., concerning the campaign finance case. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. By a 5-to-4 vote, with Justice Thomas in the majority, the court ruled last month that corporations had a First Amendment right to spend money to support or oppose political candidates.


2. Haitian Earthquake

Some have speculated that the Haitian earthquake may have been manmade. Skeptics of the official story note that the technology to produce earthquakes already exists, and they point to the curious coincidence that a large number of U.S. military assets were pre-positioned by Haiti right before the quake. It is also well known that Haiti has a lot of mineral wealth that would be of interest to U.S. companies. What may we know about the origin of this quake?

The online publication Voltaire.net recently published this article in response to an earlier article it posted on January 22, 2010.

Dear Ones, there is little to say of these things of a conspiracy.

There could be such as this, however, this was a natural event. And as you can see there have been many "after shocks" as there would be in a natural event.

The Haiti earthquake is the result of the shifting of the Earth's crust. There is underground pressure building up in this area and there will be more of these earthquakes as time goes on. Your prayers for this region is a goodness.

When Mother Earth's crust shifts, as in the Haiti quake, there is always resulting adjustments as the area affected tries to seek stability once again. A natural quake will do this settling.

In a quake that has been encouraged by weaponry, seldom does this shifting occur as Mother Earth adjusts to a new underground position.

Weapons such as those to cause earthquakes are ones to hit a spot that is not vulnerable to shifting. Because the earth is not in a vulnerable position, underneath the crust, the resulting aftershocks simply do not occur.

Go in Peace and Love.

Haiti and the Seismic Weapon by Thierry Meyssan

The controversy that followed the publication on our website of an article entertaining the possibility that the earthquake in Haiti was caused artificially, calls for clarification. Yes, seismic weapons do exist and the United States, among others, have them. Yes, the U.S. military forces were pre-positioned to be deployed to the island. These facts are not conclusive in themselves but they certainly warrant heightened security into this matter.

Mark Hanna - Editor, Researcher
Rene Avery - Journalist
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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

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